4 Ways Education Benefits Can Boost Employee Engagement

Over the past several years, many employers have come to recognize the benefits of retaining a motivated, engaged workforce. Not only are engaged employees more likely to stay at their company—75% of Workforce Edge users surveyed agree that they see themselves working at their company two years from now*—but they can also make a greater contribution to the organization’s success.
Offering your employees access to education benefits can be an especially effective way to boost engagement and help your company achieve its goals.
1. Increased job satisfaction
By offering education benefits through platforms such as Workforce Edge, you can increase the amount of fulfillment they find from their work at your company. In fact, our recent survey showed that 87% of Workforce Edge users report their general level of engagement at their current job as very or fairly engaged.* Education benefits can help make an employee feel appreciated – they see that their employer values them as a person and contributor.
2. More education means more relevant skills
When you offer your team access to education benefits, they’re able to pursue degree and nondegree programs with your support. Through these opportunities, employees can gain essential, relevant skills that can help them become more effective in their current roles.
3. A roadmap for future positions
Education is often focused on achieving certifications, academic degrees, and other credentials. When your employees gain additional credentials, they become more qualified to take on more responsibilities—including additional, expanded roles at your organization. In fact,
"94% of Workforce Edge users surveyed are using their education benefits to improve their opportunities for future promotion, career advancement, or higher salary.*"
4. Competitive advantage
Companies that offer education benefits can more effectively attract and retain top talent. Job candidates are drawn to organizations that offer support through various benefits, including health insurance, retirement plans, and more. By offering education as part of your benefits package, you’ll have an advantage when it comes to attracting prospective employees.
When you offer your team education benefits, you’re giving them the tools to develop their skills and competencies while helping them feel valued. You’re also building up your internal talent pool and attracting potential new hires.
*Source: 2023 Workforce Edge Learner Survey
Learn how Workforce Edge can help you manage and administer your education benefits.
Education benefits through tuition assistance or reimbursement can help improve employee retention due to increased job satisfaction and more. Check out the full list here.